Free adspace for each vote: 13 days left…
- Vote here to give your support to liver cancer patients
- Tell us who you are :
leave your name and URL so we know who to link
the ad space to 🙂 Congratulations! your FREE ad will be seen by 50.000 unique visitors!
- Win 1 extra month of free ad space when your friends casts a vote and dedicates it to your website!
Your vote supports curing secondary liver cancer
Read the contest details here at
Voted by Guido.
Voted (screenname Gali)
I want Guido to win 1 year of free ad space worth 365$.
I have just voted.Her blog is really helpful.
Yeah, Voted at Wellsphere..Waiting for a month’s ad for free and free adspace worth $365
@guido, achute and indusekar,
Congrats, you all win 1 month of ad space, thanks for joining!
@achute and indusekar,
If you want 1 year of adspace, the person to beat at now is guido with 2 votes. Just tell your friend to vote and leave a message here they want you to win!
It’s a great way to find out who your real friends are 😈
voted for See Kim!
Congrats Sharmila for winning 1 month of adspace!
Tell your friends to vote as well and win yourself one year free adspace!
I voted, and I even shared your site on SU. But do not think I will win.
Thanks Melody,
Ask 2 of your best friends to vote as well and you could be the winner of 1 year free adspace.
Feel free to elaborate in a comment how we can help making your site a success!
This is my first time to this blog…..and It’s cool blog.
@professional lab
Please say if you voted or not and when you voted; please say which name you used to vote + the URL of your banner 🙂
July voted, would appreciate if you could make a banner for me, thank you!
Mimi wants July to win and I voted on the orange button as well of course.
Congrats for winning 1 month of free ad space, only 10 days to go for winning 1 year of ad space, so hurry 🙂
I do not find it difficult to support humanism blog especially when that’s about helping other in the way of knowledge, care and awareness.
I don’t think giving a support is not a problem for other blogger either.
Thanks for showing me this nice & informative blog.
Correction on my previous comment, what I am mean to say is:
‘I don’t think giving support is a problem for other blogger either’
Mistake has been corrected 🙂
Thanks for your vote, tell your friends to do the same and win a year of free adspace!
Love your latest post about the Children in Gaza.
I voted for Wellsphere and became a member.
Congrats for winning free adspace for 1 month thanks to your vote!
I suggest you contact all the members from your dating site to cast their vote as well, and I am sure you will get enough votes for the big prize: 1 year free adspace for your site.
Looking forward to see you on top!
Already voted and signed-up with the site as well. Good luck and God Bless!
Thanks Cesar! Please ask your friends to vote for you as well, it will be totally in the spirit of our blog if a make money site like yours wins the 1 year free adspace.
Mabuhay 🙂
Voted(Screen name:yourbuddy7)
Cute kitten on your site, love it!
You just won 1 month of free
adspace, ask your friends to
vote as well to win the 1
year grand prize!
Thanks for participating 🙂 🙂 🙂
hey, just voted! happy new year to you! been a while. nice to be back here… 🙂
Hi Eam 🙂
Thanks for your vote, invite all your friends to do the same and win one year of adspace 😉
Will be really back after CNY 🙂
Signed up as Daethian and voted!
Hi Dae,
Thanks for your vote, much appreciated!
Do invite your friends and family members to do the same and win one year of adspace 🙂
I’ve just voted!! Here are the details:
My screen name: sriraminhell
My banner is available here:
You can resize it as needed!! Cheers!!
This is the URL of my banner again:
@Sriram Sridharan
Thanks! For sure need to resize your banner 😉
You are the first to add a banner, great!
Now invite all your friends to vote also so you can win the 1 year free ad space! (Most friends of same 1 person voting wins)
It sounds great… But I haven’t figured out how to enter to win the ad spot. Where do I vote?
Let me know details and I will post it on BlogDumps Blog.
My name is, Wolfbernz
banner is here;
Ok, I voted for Kim
I hope she wins
All the best,
Wolfbernz at BlogDumps sent me and I voted!
I vote for Wolfbernz at! Great website, always ready to help the bloggers he supports. #1 in my book.
I want to vote for Wolfbernz and the whole BlogDumps family. What a great place to house your blogs. Love them.
Congrats, you are the big winner with so far 3 registered votes (Nancy’s vote doesn’t show up yet at Wellsphere)
Please give feedback how to improve to make voting easier next time? 🙂
Banners will show officially from the 17th onwards, but 3 are up already 🙂
For those who missed the contest: voting is still possible : everybody gets 1 month of ad space for 1 vote cast until January 31!
Win more months for each extra vote somebody dedicates your website!
Hi Linky Love,
Thank you so much! -blush
I am glad to be the winner and I am happy to be a part of your community. I think everyone should join your community here.
Thanks to all of you who stopped by and voted for kim and left such kind words about Blogdumps, this is a worth while cause.
Have a great weekend!
Voted for you!!
voted for See Kim W.
my site :
my banner :
Good Luck…
DOnt Forget see my poor Blog..
Newbie Indonesian