Who knows how to make a WordPress Photoblog?

HELP! Ok, I am shouting for help to all the geek (girls) out there to make a WordPress photoblog and especially:

And maybe ScissorShop Geek DaddyP, reindeer specialist Wolfbernz and "When-is-your-first-cat-cartoon-ready" Jay?

The Challenge

Who knows how to solve my challenge:

  1. I want to post my pictures like usual (using FTP so I keep control on the name of the picture)
  2. I want to show 1 picture as a thumbnail on the main index page, when you enter my blog that is.
  3. If you click on the post, then it shows as usual on a single page this time showing the full picture

cats photographs

Cats Photographs Main Page: showing 1 post with thumbnail picture

I have something like that working at Cats Photographs, but using yet-another-photoblog.1.8 WordPress plugin, I have no control over the name of my uploaded picture, so that option is out (unless I can rename the picture, but I have no clue how…).

All help is much appreciated and will give you lots of link love back! (What about blog of the weekend 🙂 )


  1. Oh…you caught me out, I have not had the inspiration required for a ‘bub and scrub’ story, but note that munny4hunny now has a dot com domain… I also know zilch about WP, Ellie is the girl for that task….

  2. Hi,
    Stop over to wrongblog.com and check out the new theme I am using there. I think this is what you are looking for.
    I hope this helps.

  3. I don’t know much about WordPress I’m afraid. I do find that nail scissors can be very handy when using ScissorShop. Any other secrets I’m keeping to myself though. I’m a professional you know.

  4. @Jay

    Thanks and I still need to inspire you for bub and scrub. These days way too busy and not enough fun though…

    True, I am looking forward for Ellie’s answer 🙂


    Now is that a theme with all plugins included? Need to try it out, yet at first sight I am puzzled what happened with the pictures on the index page: when you go to the “real post”, there is no image in the post?

    If the logic is: adding an extra picture to what shows on the main page, then that’s a quite interesting workaround 🙂

    I will have a closer look at it for sure, thanks!


    Oh, I could pay you with professional paper money for your services… Happy gardening!

  5. Although I can work with WordPress, I have never attempted a photoblog since, well I don’t have a camera. I know there are other blog platforms just for photoblogs that work the way you want, but I don’t know about WP. There are so many outdated plugins for WP photoblogs I wouldn’t know where to begin.

  6. @Beth

    Thanks Beth! Same here: I wouldn’t know where to begin, so I began with asking 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!

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