Want to make a good new friend?

Then go and read how to make friends with J David, who is the designer of….. drum-roll……:

add your link

Linky Love avatar at MyBlogLog designed by J David

Make friends at MyBlogLog to get more visitors

add your link Go and visit me at MyBlogLog.

If you never heard about MyBlogLog: it’s a place where friends hang out. And it’s the fastest place to meet quality friends of friends 🙂

I am talking quality here, if you want to go for quantity, check out the other social networks mentioned at make friends with J David.

I will add myself in those communities next week, to find out which one works best 🙂

Comment about your experience in social communities!


  1. I love the ad for BlogRocks, funny.

    I also like how you put your income on the site too.

    Back to the MyBlogLog comment. I spend about 2 minutes a day adding my 15 MyBlogLog contacts. Thanks to a script I programmed. Out of the 15 I might find 1 community to also join.

    I was fortunate to get in before the 15 per day limit and have over 5,000 contacts.

    Based on my stats I can say the my MyBlogLog profile gets a ton of hits, but the direct traffic to my site is only 1-2%.


  2. Hi michael,

    U should buy a blogrock, that would be funny!

    Wow, direct traffic to my site is still the highest percentage unfortunately.

    Do u share your script with the rest of the world? Good scripts always bring in a ton of visitors to download.

    Which beach ur bum prefers? We do have a lot of them here (beaches, bums… Your choice … 🙂

    Yes, my sis also got into mybloglog before the 15 limit: it did make a difference 😈

    Thanks and looking forward for your earnings!

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