Visit the best blog ever!

Who is this beautiful girl?

how to attract visitorsIf you want to know more about this beautiful girl and what she did to "1 shy man", you need to visit Ilker Yoldas‘ : A shy bloggers’ avatar.

The feel of "1 shy man"

the thinking blog

The Thinking Blog

First impressions?

  1. Orange burning flames coming out of the brain
  2. Oily black background
  3. 1 hot topic about women drivers
  4. Orange feed burner button

This is a blog designed for what the author Ilker Yoldas wants:

giving you "Your daily dose of Fuel to keep thinking"

Ilker Yoldas is not just a way too modest web designer, he is an artist and you should have a look at more of his work of art.

Why only read The Thinking Blog?

Because TheThinkingBlog :

  • is reading for you 50 to 150 blogs a day!
    How does he do that? Well, suddenly no more modest Ilker tells you exactly how to read 50 million blogs.
  • knows that people read blogs because the content is worth reading. Having said this, TheThinkingBlog also knows that hot authors get more visits to start with. Once in, you come back for the content.
  • invites you to be part of TheThinkingBlog!
    Visit their what do you think review contest and you could:

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What makes me thinking… is Ilker Yoldas still single?


  1. Awesome review! Love the images and your mention of my earlier posts.. Thank you!

    I’ve added your URL into the list for the next round of the contest.. Keep tuned!

  2. Learn from Ilker: The review is good? very good?

    AWESOME review!

    (thanks Ilker!)

    Use some strong positive words in your comments when you mean it 🙂

    Hmmmm…. wonder why Ilker loves the images? Because you can find them on his website or in mybloglog.

    AWESOME he is!

  3. well, sometimes there’s just soo many good blogs to read, yet so little time out of daily life to do that. Wish I had more time. 🙂 There are just ’50 million blogs’ out there!

  4. No need to read all 50 million, just read mine because…. I read ilkers’ 🙂

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