Vincy Yeung silly and naked in Edison Chen’s shower
More Edison Chen Scandal pictures of Cecilia Cheung and actual girlfriend Vincy Yeung: too juicy to be true…
How young were these girls?
Gillian Chung states that she was still silly and naive when she had sex with Edison Chen. These pictures could date back to 2001, when she was 20 years old.
But what about his actual 20 years old girl friend Vincy Yeung which in 2007 Edison Chen claims to be dating her already for 3 years…
Vincy Yeung Shower Photo
How silly can you be?
When I was 16 I was silly and naive as well, and maybe just had the luck that digital camera’s couldn’t tape any of my silly moves (although seems I was a saint compared to Bobo Chan, Gillian Chung, Maggie Q and Cecilia Cheung.
It’s just when men older than women start making use of their silliness, something is undoubtedlywrong!
Money Talks
Seems that the mysterious "Kira" who has been leaking all these Edison Chen pictures on the Internet has been paid off to stop publishing more pictures of Vincy Yeung shower photos …
Be my Valentine
You can tip me $10 and I will be your Valentine providing you lots and lots of linky love!
Meanwhile Edison Chen is trying to enjoy his Valentine with girlfriend Vincy Yeung in Boston.
At the end of the week, Edison Chen is said to fly to HongKong and go to police headquarters in Wan Chai to make a witness statement about "someone stealing photos from his computer". As if we that’s going to help…
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