Subscribe @ to score the hottest dating tips and be the first to know when my special e-book on dating comes out! Thanks to all those who bid! Auction is over and the auction came in at $730! Congrats to the winner! on the futon with vanae: – meaning/purpose of life – getting over a person you like – interracial dating your girl, vanae
No it isn’t advancement, it’s ignoring the racism that goes on in the world by melding each other. All interracial trends are self-interested motivated. An example would be the famous AF/Wm & WF/BM combo. Both males of that combo have committed violent and verbal crimes way more than the males of the females they’re going out with. I can understand the WF/BM because of slavery, but it is twisted to accept the AF/WM, especially knowing how whites initiates most of the race wars.
I think the meaning of life, my life at least, is to leave behind a legacy that changes something about the world for the better, advancing the human race into a Type I civilization. Dr. Michio Kaku knows what I’m talking about.
If that is the case, which is easier for black men to get a asian women, then an asian men getting a black women(and it is not just cultural issues, I’ve experienced some black women who were rude to me or just preferred their own kind), then asian women are probably superficial.
This is good cause it’s making me not bother about anyone or anything. To hell with all of you. ( Hell dos’ent exist really )
@fimmyk Not where I live. You must not be in Cali.
this is not true.. i have seen that over and over again black men and asian girls
@DrachmasErus personally i never tried to approach an asian girl but just seeing around me, i can come to that conclusion that it’s almost impossible.nd just because i typed like that doesnt mean i speak that way thats just how i type from my phone im sure your familiar with the “sms language” lol and if you mean intelligent like doing great at school then im doing just that.
so i should be able to get an asian girl then? LOL JK
@fimmyk not to be rude but it’s probably because you speak like, “if yo black.” Most asian women prefer men who are intelligent and respectful. so don’t be so quick to blame you’re race maybe it’s the way you carry yourself.
Mm I just forget about the person or take like ahh whatever even if I was really into her while as a couple. There’s plenty more chicks. You not the only one. Is what I always say. And I’m really sure everyone does and I go by that.
wow you have a beautiful voice…i wish you could sing for my music =(
so sexy
i like your voice alot…….
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hmm nice one…
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hmm nice one…
for dating tips and guide, visit (romanceemergencytoolkit. com) no vulgarity, try it, you will like it…
your really turning me on,,,ur the hottes babe,,
wow pervs
This woman has been watching wayyyyy too much Grey’s Anatomy 😛
I’ve been trying with an asian girl for the past 2 months and and it it just ain’t working. Got stuck in friend zone…damn it!
very pretty voice!
I marry a Swiss-Filipina with whom I have 2 BEAUTIFUL Afro-LAtino(Honduran)-Swiss-Filipinos mix Babys ;-)… Interracial for Life! :-).
Beautiful Voice Vanea, I love your singing. great vid.
u have some nice tits. but i did actually listen to what u said and nice voice and advice 😉
It’s one reason why I hate this town so much.
@papernigga – Undoubtedly the truth hurts. It is unfortunate that politically correct egalitarian societies have to live a lie for your sake.
Haiti : is the first post-colonial independent *Black-led nation in the world, the poorest country in the Americas, and Haiti has consistently ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world on the Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International). This is despite all the humanitarian efforts by whites. Go live there & be with your people!