Is the modern day Malaysian enjoying his more than 50 years of independence or is there no difference between today’s rule and the colonial rule of 50 years ago? If you are twice my age, you most likely speak better English than me and after school you enjoyed fun and games or worked hard to […]
Telanjang Ayam’s naked chicks
Are you looking for more telanjang girls in the Edison Chen Scandal? You can see naked chicks here, T-shirts yes or no? here and our latest Edison Chen update at Jolin Tsai Edison pics.
Ida Nerina & Fauzi Nawawi scandal
Trying to outperform the Edison Chen Scandal in Hong Kong, Malaysia does better with their own Ida Nerina & Fauzi Nawawi scandal… Ida Nerina Biography Ida Nerina Biography Unlike famous Edison Chen, we need to help you a bit about Ida Nerina’s personality… Ida Nerina is a Malaysian actor that started winning Best Actress prizes […]