Watch the nutcracking video of Hillary Clinton…. Hillary Clinton for president Hillary Clinton Nutcracker Hillary Clinton nutcracker Luckily for any men that will cross Hillary Clinton’s road, she is well behaved: your nuts wont be cracked but make sure to wear some neck protection or your name isn’t George Bush. Talking about cracking a real […]
Hillary Clinton naked
Watch the complete video to see Hillary Clinton naked at the end. Hillary Clinton naked We just hope that whoever becomes the new President, they make sure there is no more need to watch videos like the one above… Woman power should be more than being the iron lady Margaret Thatcher turned out to be… […]
Hillary Bikini
Hillary Bikini Screensaver Watch how Hillary bounces back and forth in a bikini… Hillary Bikini Screensaver courtesy of More celebrity bikinis for today at Alizee Bikini, just in case you don’t believe Edwards when saying that Hillary Clinton couldn’t win the presidency because she is too sexy, and thus too intimidating to voters… Now […]
Why Bill Clinton really never had sex with that woman
Why Bill Clinton really never had sex with that woman If you see Bill Clinton’s campaign train, oops, it is supposed Hillary Clinton for President… : Go Hillery Clinton, go! Anyway, Bill Clinton is a man with a vision, be it only above tables…, when he said the historic words during his Bill Clinton scandal: […]