How do you make money in a coffee-shop or restaurant? (yes dad, that happens when you let me work in your coffee-shops from little: I will brag about it now!)
Again: How do you make money in a coffee-shop or restaurant?
- you have to serve food
- you need customers
Same with making money online on your website:
- you need to have something to sell
- you need visitors
What about my new theme?
All morning I am changing the theme on my site. This means lots of HTML headaches
and in the mean time no time to get more visitors. Luckily these headaches give me some content 🙂
Just to give you an idea that there is no such thing as quick and easy ways to make money : my blood sweat and tears of this morning:
From a perfect looking site like so:
Quite plain but it worked and I got 9 mybloglog visitors who didn’t make any remark about my looks 🙂
A new theme. I just grabbed a theme that I liked, as I didn’t want to waste any time here. I know I would loose lots of time playing around with the HTML. Time I urgently need to attract more visitors from outside!
"Simply cut and paste your advertisers code…"
Like I said before: there are no simple ways to make money. I am sure this advertisers code would have worked from the first time in my first plain Jane theme. Yet I want to be fancy, well:
being fancy is an expense, not an income.
One problem solved, now my calendar on the right disappeared. See why I only had 1 task planned for today: changing theme? Because it is a lot of try and try again, so very time consuming (I am not a geek unfortunately…)
Yet I stick to my plan: I need more visitors and using mybloglog is one way of doing that.
So this is a good investment, time well used.
I just have to add myself to Technorati now and I call it a day. Again: I am just going to subscribe there, all the fancy things like tags and keywords will be for tomorrow.
Meanwhile I am going to bump into some new members of mybloglog to spread the word and get some linky love 🙂
Linky love
Link to me and I will link to you! (all family oriented that is).
Leave a comment so I know where to find you!
Nice! you have 4 columns! Can put plenty of Ads and make plenty of moneee!!!
im leaving you a comment as i am trying to get links put in for my new blog. i just put it into payper post, and i hope they will accept it, it has a LOW rating on pretty much everything so i am working on getting it up as well. i will add you on both my blogs ( and my new blogs blogroll!
thank you in advance for linking me!
AhPek: I have 4 colums so I have lots of space to put your link and others! Link to me and I link to you, xiexie.
Bluepaintred: I working on the linking back right now, thanks alrready!
I love to link back so link to me 🙂