www.lovein30days.com Shay Your Date Diva and her husband comes to the DIVA’s and Boos with a video together on why men cheat and why a woman can treat a man like a king and he still not want her. Sign up for an appointment to talk to me Live! http
Loving the Internet, Linking singles together one date at a time
www.lovein30days.com Shay Your Date Diva and her husband comes to the DIVA’s and Boos with a video together on why men cheat and why a woman can treat a man like a king and he still not want her. Sign up for an appointment to talk to me Live! http
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women cheat because of what they aren’t getting at home.. men cheat because it’s there. if a woman is happy at the crib, then whatever men approach her either already know or she won’t let them get too close to her. but if a man has a sexy secretary or work partner…
ya’ll a beautiful Couple!
It’s sad, but I have convinced myself that 90% of all men cheat?
wow a good looking man with a good looking woman.
You guys are the best! God bless you x
that is soooo great! You both are really amazing 🙂
Hey you two good clip I think that the guy had alot of bad relationships in the past and he was able to get out and find what he really wanted she is a hottie and I think they have chemistry and that is priceless. When kids are created together you have to try to make it work and that suck but it’s the right thing to do but if no kids are in the equation then get out and find someone that truely click with you. I’m out latter
Why do cheaters think everyone else is evil like gays think every man is gay?
The reason why men cheat on there women is because there not getting it at home,or it’s not done to satisfaction at home, or the excitement is gone so they go else where.
Ladies, you want Shay’s husband to tell the raw truth, to keep it 100, have him do a video without Shay in it.
You ladies want Shay’s husband to keep it all the way 100! To tell the raw daug truth? Have him do the video WITHOUT Shay in it! Men cheat cause eather we’re not getting it at home,or it’s not good at home,or it’s became to boring at home,& it’s better somewhere else. That’s raw daug truth ! ya! Can U handle it!!!
This is real talk.
SHAY u really need to check this brother on YouTube out type in “I hate black women” by omegaondblock it’s 9:58 long this dude is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the end of the video made me smile
To: Shay
What do you think about women who date men who are one day to six years younger? Do you belive that the man must be older? Could you do a video on that also.
what do u do if a girl is out of ur league look for a different girl or try to get ur self up on the radar
i admire u guys…hope u really stay together foreva…:)
I loved you guys’ video. The advice was great, I hope there will be more videos in the near future. Because it’s nice to hear a male prospective. You and your husband make a cute couple.
no I am not Nigerian…
u nigerian girl?
shay …..i think relationships is your calling. I love your vids… we nigerians dont have a lot of relationship issues……but i learn alot though
Reggie’s kickin the real and people need to know. I’m a 20 year-old woman and I plan on being with a guy who finds me hot at all times:D
thanks guys
Please have your husband share again. I loved it!