A furor was raised in the United States of America when it was discovered that gays and lesbians serving in the United States military were not allowed to disclose their sexual preferences. It would lead to automatic sacking and for a job seeker, automatic disqualification. However, a law has since been introduced to allow gay and lesbian people continue with their normal duties and not be barred from the military on grounds of their sexual preferences. Gay dating has been a preference of the so-called western world but in the recent past, a surge of gays and lesbian dating has been on the rise, with world celebrations being set aside for them. In India, a country with the world’s largest population growth, there exists a vibrant and public gay and lesbian dating industry that has a sizable number of members, both Asians and non-Asians.The World Wide Web contains numerous websites with a lot of information on lesbian online dating and tips on how to go about getting oneself a mate. The advent of such websites is because each group of people has their own unique needs and just as the normal dating is, such that people specify the qualities of the males they want, so should free gay dating be also given a chance to allow them to specify the qualities of mates that they need. India has been known to have a long time gay tradition that can be traced back to a couple of years back, as it used to happen between the wealthy. Thus gay India is not a strange word to come across whenever one is searching for gay information though the internet. There is also a wealth of information on gay dating in India.Perhaps not all straight dating sites are like this, but straight dating sites are not all that interested in providing a solid grounded base and the same level of customer service to their GLBT community as a gay and lesbian online dating site. During the programming stages of a straight site that offers women seeking women and men seeking men, those same gender portions of the site are not given anywhere near the same type of attention to detail as the straight portion. The computer generated gay match system isn’t nearly as efficient or as high tech as those that are generated specifically for a gay website. Rather, the companies often figure that as long as gay matches are reaching the gay profiles, the details really don’t matter. On the other hand, gays have fought for recognition claiming that theirs is also a natural way of doing things only that it does not conform the majority’s wish. They have even formed an association aimed at protecting their rights. The whole gay issue is so open to discussion that there are books that have been published giving gay dating tips. Other factors constant, gays, and lesbians in the recent times have been elevated to higher social classes unlike earlier on, when they were shunned and their way of life termed antisocial. There has been a steady rise to high offices, even in religious circles, in the number of gays and lesbians. Whereas lesbian dating is not so much castigated as gay dating is, lesbians have still not raised their voices and demanded recognition as their male counterparts.
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