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Blog of this weekend:
Watch the Simpsons Online
If you watch the Simpsons online or on TV you would have noticed a guy sitting at the back of the table in Moe’s bar. So the picture on the right is how Rotus sees the world from his own perspective…
Dirty Simpsons
Dirty Simpsons: Rotus on the cover of GQ (August 2006)
Although Rotus looks like an oh well it doesn’t really matter as I want to continue with … looks can deceive! In the end you don’t know whether there is a smile or a grunge under Rotus’ moustache and that sets the tone of his smart, intelligent and funny blog!
Bush nukes Iran, he just needs to figure out why…
Really, this is my favorite at the Rotus blog, how Bush tries to figure out in his own original way to nuke Iran before they nuke me in :
Bush best reason to nuke Iran: read it all at
more dangerous than we thought
As we all know: another mad duck, crazy duck? slam duck 🙂
And there will be nudity…
Ok, what’s all this about Linda, Linky Love, Rotus and a hot tub? Well, Rotus explained it here:
As Usual LindaC is getting me into hot water: this time with Linky Love
It’s all in good fun, so we will reveal what’s happening here as well, but Rotus
just says it more juicy than Linky Love does 🙂
It goes like so…
*** Here’s what you gotta do. See them 3 asterisks just a few words ago? (psst – the stars)…
Asterix Cartoon
Now Rotus got me confused: I don’t see the Asterix cartoon anywhere in his above phrase!
For those who aren’t familiar with Asterix the Gaul: well, like The Simpsons is part fracasof US history, Asterix is part of European history.
But in stead of going back 10 years in time, Asterix books go back 2000 years in time. Yes: if you see the title "Asterix and Obelix mission Cleopatra", you know we are talking times of the Romans here.
Asterix is part of a tribe called the Gauls, who lived somewhere between the borders of France and Belgium and appear to be the only stronghold against mighty Rome and Julius Caesar still standing.
Yeah, who says history class is boring? In the end Asterix books are much more fun than boring history classes were you needlessly have to remember who slept with whom, made another kid who than could sleep with the next princess and have some bastards here and there…
Back to Rotus’ hot tub game…
According to Rotus: This is one of those silly games that float around the blogosphere.
Fracas started it. LindaC passed it to Rotus and Rotus passed it to Linky Love.
Now it’s your turn. Sorry about that but those are the rules. I didn’t write them, I only enforce them. Do use protection when you pass it on to someone else.
For Beth
*** Here’s what you gotta do. See them 3 asterisks just a few words ago? (psst – the stars). Copy from there to the bottom. Then add your line and change one word. JUST ONE. It’s like playing the telephone game when we were little. Then tag ONE person and pass it on.
1. Fracas – http://fracas.wordpress.com writes:
Never continue dating anyone who is rude to the waiter.
2. Mark @ http://www.blogitude.com/ writes:
Never continue dating anyone who is nude to the waiter.
3. Wiggy @ http://damewigginsoflee.wordpress.com writes:
Forever continue dating anyone who is nude to the waiter.
4. Froggy @ http://froglette79.wordpress.com writes:
Forever continue dating anyone who is nude under the waiter.
5. InTheFastLane@ http://thatslifev2.blogspot.com writes:
Forever continue dating anyone who is nude under the water.
6. Treadmillista @ http://treadmillinginplace.blogspot.com/ writes:
Forever continue dating everyone who is nude under the water.
7. Christine @ http://watchmenowatchme.blogspot.com/ writes:
Forever continue watching everyone who is nude under the water.
8. Candace @ http://notthatidontlovemykids.blogspot.com/ writes:
Forever continue scratching everyone who is nude under the water.
9. Fracas @ http://fracas.wordpress.com writes:
Forever avoid scratching everyone who is nude under the water.
10. Bluepaintred @ http://www.bluepaintred.com writes:
Never avoid scratching everyone who is nude under the water.
11. Shelli @ http://shellis-sentiments.com writes:
Never avoid kissing everyone who is nude under the water.
12. Judy @ http://sugar-queens-dream.blogspot.com/ writes:
Never avoid kissing everyone who is nude under the blankets.
13. Trish @ http://notagranny.blogspot.com/ writes:
Never avoid spanking everyone who is nude under the blankets.
14. Amy @ http://www.amysmusings.com/ writes:
Never try spanking everyone who is nude under the blankets.
15. Tense @ http://tenseteacher.net/ writes:
Never try shagging everyone who is nude under the blankets.
16. Chili @ http://theinnerdoor.wordpress.com/ writes:
Certainly try shagging everyone who is nude under the blankets.
17. O’Mama @ http://thebluetwin.wordpress.com/ writes:
Certainly try shagging everyone who is nude under the bleachers.
18. Grammar Snob @ http://amylynn1313.blogspot.com/ writes:
Certainly try judging everyone who is nude under the bleachers.
19. Prof. J. @ http://professorjsplace.blogspot.com/ writes:
Certainly try judging everyone who is rude under the bleachers.
20. Shrieking Lizzy @ http://shriekinglizzy.multiply.com/ writes:
Certainly try juggling everyone who is rude under the bleachers.
21. Fracas @ http://fracas.wordpress.com writes:
Certainly try ignoring everyone who is rude under the bleachers.
22. Linda @ http://atLindas.com writes:
Certainly try ignoring everyone who is shagging under the bleachers.
23. Rotus @ http://rotus.wordpress.com writes: Certainly try joining everyone who is shagging under the bleachers.
24. Linky Love @ http://www.linkylove.net writes: Certainly try joining everyone who is linking under the bleachers.
25. Beth @ writes:
Naruto Gallery
More cartoon fun in the Naruto Gallery
How you can become Blog of the Weekend
All you need to do is:
1. Give me Linky Love I cannot refuse 🙂
2. The easy way 🙂
make sure to paste the HTML code sent to you in email,
paste it on your blog, not your head 😉
You are too much!
Linky, you’ve tagged two people.
Oh, I just couldn’t resist the way you asked so nicely 🙂
Adjusted per your request and sorry. Most welcome as usual, thanks for letting me in!