Paris Hilton herpes

We always advice you to write a blog about something you have some expertise in. Seems Paris Hilton is following Linky Love‘s advice when she wrote her new Paris Hilton Herpes book!


Paris Hilton Herpes 101 for Socialites

Paris Hilton perfume

On a more serious note, Paris Hilton did bring out a perfume called can can, like in:

I can can read!

paris hilton new perfume

Paris Hilton new perfume

Paris Hilton feet

Have you ever noticed something when looking at a Paris Hilton Gallery, like: what is it about Paris Hilton Feet?

paris hilton foot kissfoot fetish paris hilton

Have you noticed that there isn’t 1 picture where Paris Hilton is showing 2 healthy feet… Did somebody with a Paris Hilton foot fetish in stead of kiss her feet, eat her feet?


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