Online Dating Tips

Is your online profile just not cutting it? The Wing Girls give you some ways to make your profile just as hot as you are!PLEASE READ: We read all the COMMENTS, but we don’t respond to questions unless you MESSAGE us DIRECTLY on our website:


  1. 111DatingMillionaire says

    My friends recommended me ===== (K i s s M i l l i o n a i r e. c om) ===== It ‘s? where you have the opportunity dreaming about dating a millionaire / a sexy and TLC beauty and make it true! Maybe you need this info.

  2. AverysAdidas15 says

    bitches luv smiley facez

  3. mcspartan660 says

    is this good for an online ad?
    “these are the droids you are looking for” (from starwars) 😛 …..?

  4. MiNiMeRuLz says

    is it me or is this video grossly misnamed

  5. gokugenin says

    210 and ripped means its muscle not fat isn’t that

  6. MrJoshcrimson says

    i wish you guys had your own show. its funny

  7. pongespobb says

    alien3000ful – “..The one on the left is sooooo cute..”

    Translation – she’s showing more boob.

  8. dakine808x says


  9. lol, you two are funny…

  10. Gabinjo12 says


  11. ERICKF100 says

    star is pretty hot. love her personality.

  12. uhohoreo1451 says

    hey what do yal think about lady caca ha ha ha ha what kind of name is that right wtf lady gaga mor like caca

  13. itzdakid187 says

    just dance – lady gaga

  14. blacklily624 says


  15. alien3000ful says

    hey whats the song that the vid begins with and ends with?

  16. alien3000ful says

    They are awesome…any guy that listens to their advices will succeed with girls.

    P.S. The one on the left is sooooo cute and how she laughs (red heads are my weakness)

  17. Azermyth says


  18. FoulMove says


  19. superbear720i says

    Chick on the right is giving me a boner. Amazing eyes.

  20. dupofb17 says

    Am sorry but I think star sounds funny when she starts acting getto and says the f word (1:07-1:11)or maybe its just me..

  21. gogetareeljob says

    haha shawn from boy meets world!!!


    if you want advice on girls dating guys you should get like the wing guys …. no jk but ask a guy

  23. lindworm100 says

    nice i may subscribe.but is there eny tips for girls on dating

  24. ahahha sweetie pie

  25. hrvojecerovski says

    right one is so cute

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