"Obama endorses Atomic Blogging" is only one of the many Internet Marketing techniques to increase traffic to your blog.
If you want to know all the latest Internet Marketing tips and techniques to get more visitors on your website, then I advice you to read Atomic Blogging 2.
Don’t buy it now because Atomic Blogging‘s author Alvin Phang is updating Atomic Blogging 2 and…
Your questions will be answered
in Atomic Blogging 3
when you ask Alvin here and now!
You ask and Alvin delivers like he says in his own words: "I want to ensure I answer every little detail in the new version".
On top of getting your personal blogging challenges solved by Alvin, he will give away free copies of Atomic Blogging 3!
Alvin also has some cute T-shirts to give away "and much more": personally I wish that will be hard cash 🙂
Why do you need Atomic Blogging?
Atomic Blogging 2 shows you step by step how to boost the amount of people visiting
your blog.
When you say: but I already know a few tricks of my own, why pay money for Atomic Blogging 2?
Because Atomic Blogging 2 gives you all free techniques to get much more visitors.
You know the expression: never put all your eggs in one basket…
Atomic Blogging 2 shows you all the baskets out there, it’s only up to you to fill them with eggs, meaning put some effort to use each one of the baskets in order to increase your visitors.
And: if you take the Alvin, he will give away free copies of Atomic Blogging 3 survey, you could ask Alvin to update his Atomic Blogging 2 with:
- the latest baskets out there
- how to use them fast and easy
Who can make good use of Atomic Blogging 2?
Anybody who wants to start a blog from scratch and aims to have monthly visitors about 10K.
You will see ads about Atomic Blogging telling you could earn 6.666$ a month, showing Alvin Phang’s revenue. Please be aware to make so much money, you need to follow both:
- tips and techniques from Atomic Blogging 2
- tips and techniques from www.gathersuccess.com : which is Alvin Phang’s blog, giving you more inside secrets about how he can earn 6.666$ a month.
Having said so…
This is what you can find in the 10 chapters of Atomic Blogging 2:
- Powerful DO’s and DON’T’s when blogging
- Introduction how to promote your blog in today’s blogosphere using Atomic Blogging
How do you use keywords to get more visitors + a free keyword research tool which I described in 10 minutes to make a blog in a niche of your passion
- How to setup a profitable blog:
- How to chose your domainname
- How to register a domainname. Alvin promotes cheap GoDaddy and cheap Hostgator: good services when you start up, but a pain in the but once you reach 10K visitors a month. That’s when you need to change to Affordable Web Hosting.
- How to setup a WordPress blog
- How to Atomic Blog your blog: finetuning your WordPress blog with SEO friendly plugins and themes made by Alvin himself.
- How to write a post that gets you visitors through the search engines
- Expert tips on how to further optimise your content
- How to make money with your blog:
- which advertising services you can sign up with and
- how they work
- How to boost your visitors: "old school" Internet Marketing techniques that will always work
- Get even more visitors using "new school" or "Atomic Blogging" in Web 2.0 and social networks.
- Advanced Traffic Tips & Bonus Chapters: the what I and John Chow call "evil" strategies 😈 to get even more visitors to your website.
Linky Love’s questions for Atomic Blogging 3
I wish Alvin elaborates Atomic Blogging 2 chapter 10 in his new Atomic blogging 3 like:
- how to setup and advertising campaign that really works but:
- is simple enough to get it done
- doesn’t rely on any other product than Atomic Blogging. When I spend money on Atomic Blogging, I don’t want to buy yet another tool to teach me what I expect Atomic Blogging to teach me.
- how to use Clickbank the fullest both in:
- how to find the right affiliate book that would sell well on your blog
- how to effectively promote this affiliate book on your blog (putting a banner of the affiliate on your blog is only the start of a good promotion campaign)
- and if Alvin teaches how we can promote his Atomic Blogging 2 even better, he will get more money in the process as well. Evil don’t you think? 😈
And if you really need to know how to earn 6.666$ a month like Alvin says, then I suggest Alvin to write a step by step guide how to make your own product including:
- what to sell
- how to write the ebook about what to selling (using Atomic Blogging 2 as a case study)
- how and where to market this ebook
- if possible open it up not only to e-books (that on its own could be yet another ebook)
What do you do now?
You go and win a free copy of Atomic Blogging 3 filling in the survey.
Make sure you have some questions you would Alvin to answer in his update of Atomic Blogging 2