More Linky Love from

All you have to do is add the nice logo Sheena made below to your blog, sit back and see what happens 🙂


Of course I will update you how fast the linky love returns 🙂


  1. I’m sorry I don’t understand what’s going on.

  2. @Sheena,

    Hi Sheena,

    I am testing websites that give back links and I also see how fast they are.

    Looks like you are very fast indeed! So that was the only thing you needed to do: reply withoutbeing asked 🙂

    For everybody else: go and get some Linky Love at Sheena’s!

  3. Oh because it seems like the post is saying that if people add my link that I will link them back too and I didn’t agree to do that.

  4. @Sheena

    Oops, my mistake, I thought who-ever added your link, you would link back.

    Sorry Sheena!

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