- Best Performing money maker this month: contextual advertisement (Adsense + Kontera)
- Most loved value for money advertising platform: ScratchBack
Tip $10 here and Linky Love places your link instantly!
Monthly earnings month 8
$ 2142.51 total
- Month 8: $ 516.25 (this monthly earnings report covers November 12 to December 11 2007)
- Month 7: $ 217.76
- Month 6: $ 713.18
- Month 5: $ 368.57
- Month 4: $ 195.56
- Month 3: $ 44.10
- Month 2: $ 62.28
- Month 1: $ 24.81
Breakdown Earnings Month 8
- Contextual ads:
- Adsense + Kontera : 370.88 $
- Gwen Stefani Clothes: 0.97 $
- Blogging for money:
- ScratchBack: 45 $
Tip $10 here and Linky Love places your link instantly!
Earn when you sleep : contextual ads
Since Blogging for Money killed my PageRank, I opted for :
- attract lots of visitors
- earn money using contextual ads
If you want to know how to attract more visitors, learn by example from the blogs listed at Linky Love‘s Add your Link Toplist.
Linky Love has been on top of this list for quite a long time. But when Linky Love went on holiday from 24th December to 15 January: we relied on pre-posted posts and still kept in the Top 5 list. How this will affect our earnings, you can find out in our next monthly earnings report…
Blog for money when the topic fits your blog and the money is big
Look at the difference in post-price: I wrote 1 post and got paid the following by:
Without PageRank and having a RealRank of 1, Sponsored Reviews still pays the most. Which put my interest in the other blog for money services low (yet I don’t make the mistake of putting all my eggs in 1 service, as usual!)
I am reducing my paid posts to a minimum as it is "hit and run money", killing your PageRank in the process!
That’s why I love contextual ads: put once, earn forever…
Awards + ADD your AD
Since we want to rely on our own in order to sell ads, we need to show advertisers what is happening behind the screens. Go have a look at our:
- awards page bragging about how famous or good Linky Love is for your advertisements
- an Add your ad page, telling advertisers how many and what kind of visitors they will show their ads to
Go Affiliate is slow…
Lots of money can be made if you know how to be an affiliate, which you can see in my Month 6: $ 713.18 earnings where I showed my affiliate earnings from my French Swear Words.
If you want to go the affiliate path : buy Rosalind Gardner‘s ebook.
This little investment will save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting. And I earned my money back within 1 month, be it on my French Swear Words blog 🙂
Laure Manaudou
In the next month, I attracted lots of visitors with Laure Manaudou naked or not, that’s for you to surf around…
One way of getting lots of visitors is sitting on top of the news and blogging about it before the other bloggers do. No need to re-invent the wheel, just be better and the visitors will flock in.
Laure Manaudou nude Lancel bags: you can really put a lot in these Lancel bags like… all your clothes, a handphone with camera and make sure you have a boyfriend carrying the bag for you 🙂
Read more about Laure Manaudou
Read more Laure Manaudou posts, especially funny the cat’s view about Laure Manaudou!
Laura Manaudou in a bikini … , advertising Linky Love’s dating site with How you can take sexy pictures like Laure Manaudou this new year and a gorgeous Laure Manaudou Wallpaper!
Manaudou, Laure Manaudou wallpaper :
click the image to download the Laure Manaudou desktop wallpaper
Brought to you by Linky Love :
the place to be to add your link and get lots of visitors in return!
What is Laure Manaudou doing in our monthly earnings report?
Laura Manaudou is just an example to attract lots of visitors. This is one good thing if you want to make money on the Internet using contextual ads.
What is Gwen Stefani doing in our monthly earnings report?
Gwen Stefani Clothes is another blog in the making, monetized by Linky Love.
Yet unlike Linky Love, this Gwen Stefani Sweet Escape site is not updated regularly, therefore lacking a decent amount of visitors, which gets reflected in the earnings. Just an example that you need visitors in order to "make money in your sleep" with contextual ads.
Technorati Tags: It’s earnings that count | Monthly earnings | Affiliate | News | Affiliate Software | Software | Rosalind Gardner | business | Affiliate program | Super Affiliate Handbook | The Super Affiliate Handbook | PageRank
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