The Vacationeers present a little known mobile trick: Free Dating Advice from Google SMS.
Loving the Internet, Linking singles together one date at a time
The Vacationeers present a little known mobile trick: Free Dating Advice from Google SMS.
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man if you really want to see cheap dates yhen heck my vid out it would change your whole game lol
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I love how there’s a no phone sign at 0:05
oh, what the hell man?!
the first one on the vid is the better choise xD
Great video, Now click the name datecom above this comment to view more funny dating videos…
what a stupid commercial for non private use/…..
Hot Chick…
what the black women do with you ?
i still like more the first one…Shes hot…
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wtf you already have this video the googling
How I met my hawt g/f on KissKnot d0t c0m
Wow, that must suck for the other woman… Big time…
Eagle Eye hahahahahahah
isnt that what kgb does? lol
Haha I’ve never been creeped out by Google til now…god bless u Google! lol
POR FAVOR NO LEAN ESTO (me obligaron)
el 13 de octubre de 1991
un niño llamado nick se tiro de un puente devido a problemas familiares
si ya leiste esto deves copiar y pegar
en otros 5 videos mas o si no
nick vendra por toda tu familia
haslo o moriran porfavor hasme caso
yo lo lei y lo hise & si es familia de un amigo murio hace una semana?
por favor es to es estupido
very good yar
shes hot