Linky Love’s Blog of the Weekend is Entertainment Blog of the Month!

If you want to be the blog of the weekend, simply join us at :

ADD YOUR LINK if you Wanna be on top?
and become Blog of the Weekend

Get your link online on the spot!

Tip $10 here and Linky Love places your link instantly!

Blog of this weekend:
Julia Aquino –
Entertainment Blog of the Month

julia aquino

What can you learn from Julia

Julia has been aggressively commenting on my blog in a fun way. And since she got my attention, she now is blog of the weekend!

If you have a new website, you really need to shout it out everywhere and anyhow you can.

Along the way you will step on people’s feet… yet you can always apologize and if they see you are famous one day, they will be happy to brag that you stepped on their feet 🙂

Julia’s comments :

  1. hi! i wanna be featured
  2. oopss! i forgot: why your visitors should visit me?
    “because i’m cuter than the average blogger”
  3. yay! i’m #34 out of 127 in your toplist
    i’m so proud quite a good start for a new blog (ins’t it?)

Linky Love wants to see Julia on page 1 of our toplist! (#25 or less!)

The whole idea of being "Blog of the weekend" is to push your blog’s visitors count. So we will use Julia’s blog and see where she is ranking this weekend after being featured as Blog of the Weekend! (Have a look yourself if she is already in the first page at Linky Love’s Toplist first page)

What can you learn from Julia’s blog?

Julia is great in providing "interactivity" with her visitors using:

  • a poll
  • a Blog of the Month voting feature
  • a chatbox

Whenever you have something to give to your visitors,
they will come back for more!

How you can become Blog of the Weekend

1. Give me Linky Love I cannot refuse 🙂

2. The easy way 🙂

make sure to paste the HTML code sent to you in email,
paste it on your blog, not your head 😉


  1. wow!
    i see
    linkylove loves julia-aquino!
    such a
    wow! u make my heart melt!
    aw! im so happy i wanna dance to death

  2. i will blog on this!
    i will bragged this to everyone!
    will envy me!

  3. i really really loves LINKYLOVE
    love y’all

  4. bytheway,
    i also got the “linkylove buttons”
    (aside from the badge from linkylove topsite)
    on my blog

    if it’s not too much

    i wanna be included

    in your

    “Got the Linky Love Buttons” sidebar

  5. we
    i’m on
    way to go!

    pay me visit people. love y’all

  6. update:


  7. @Julia

    You are most welcome Julia

    Please invite all your friends to join us at

    so they can become blog of the weekend as well

    and get lots of more visitors just like you 🙂

  8. my god this is too much!


    1.i’m blog of the weekend
    2. i’m the top commentator
    3.i’m included in your blogroll
    4. ur talking too much

    this is too much.
    i can die. now.

  9. it’s suprising
    im #1 now
    (on celeb/gossip category)

    actually, i blogged ’bout this feat

    here is the URL:

  10. i’m #1 in my category
    #15 overall!

  11. @Julia

    Only 14 to beat, way to go!

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