How you can make $30 in 30 seconds

increase online traffic How to make money online fast is a question people ask me on a daily basis, and the most original one was : how can I make $ 30 in 30 seconds?


Actually 30 seconds is exactly the time I need to upload the banner on the right.

Each time I sell a copy of Atomic Blogging: the secrets of making money with your blog, I get a $30 commission.


These people asking me about making money know I am into blogging and ask their question as a pick-up line to get a date, in stead of :


  • being serious,
  • starting to blog for money and
  • … stopping to waste their money on an exuberant meal in a restaurant with me as I am not that cheap 🙂



So you are still here and you are serious to know how to make money online?


Then you know if I could make $30 in 30 seconds, my almost 1 year old blog (April 11 that is) would have made by now : 31.536.000$.


Seriously: we made about $3000 last year.


Now you say: I want more!


increase online traffic So do I 🙂


That’s why I recommend investing in Alvin Phang’s Atomic Blogging: an ebook showing you from scratch:


  • how to set up a blog (most likely you know that already!)
  • which traffic generating plugins you need to add, and most importantly:
  • how to make money from your blog.


Why do you need to buy a book when all the information is online somewhere?


That’s exactly what I was thinking 1 year ago:


  • you just start a blog
  • google how to attract more visitors
  • google how to monetize my blog
  • and tadaa the money will come flowing in…


It took me more or less 1 year to know what I know now…


increase online traffic But if I had invested in stead of 1 year of time a few $$$ and bought an ebook like Alvin’s, it would have saved me our 1 year Linky Love blogging case-study!


Learning from experience only takes lots of time and
time is money!


Well, what I learned is : buy the experience of others!


I did say buy experience!

I didn’t say to buy "How to make $30 in 30 seconds!!!" You are wise enough to know that there is no such thing as fast billions from scratch in 101 seconds.


Whatever experience you buy: make sure you have a money back guarantee. Why?

Because when the “secret” experience of other people is already part of your blogging strategy, you just ask your money back.


Alvin claims to have made $61.247,32 , which I rather believe than people earning 31.536.000$…


How to compare Atomic Blogging with Linky Love?


  • Atomic blogging is a strategy to make money online blogging.
  • Linky Love is a blog experiecing the hard way to find out how to make money online and how not.


What Atomic Blogging will teach you is HOW to do your homework BEFORE you start blogging.


What Linky Love will teach you is WHY you need to do your homework BEFORE you start blogging.


Why? Because Linky Love started a blog and "grabbed all the money found on the road".

Like you would take your backpack, go traveling the world and do odd jobs as they come in order to gain some extra money.


It’s a fun journey, but when I will do it all over again (and I will!), I will make my homework first!


Atomic Blogging SEO vs Linky Love SEO


Atomic Blogging has an SEO blogging background similar to Linky Love in the sense that:

  • alvin phang keyword research toolwe know we need plugins to optimize our SEO
  • we know how to look for good keywords : just that Atomic Blogging has a program that finds good niche keywords in 10 minutes, where I used to do it manually in 1 day…


Atomic Blogging summarized


Atomic Blogging is a strategy to follow to make money online BEFORE and after you start blogging for money.


I love Atomic Blogging for the blueprint it offers…


  • Yes I can start a blog,
  • yes I know how to attract loads of visitors but…


… I needed a strategy to seriously monetize my blogs.

I am sure I found the strategy in Atomic Blogging to monetize my next years to come 🙂

Of course we will evaluate this product as we always evaluate everything we are doing to make money on the Internet.


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