How to earn money with LinkWorth

We will explain all the words LinkWorth uses to describe their ways to make money on the Internet.


linkworth text link ads

The arrow points to LinkWorth‘s Text Links giving you a steady monthly income

This is what is also known as Text Link Ads. How does it work?

You set a price and choose where you want to show your ads (‘sitewide links on your entire website’ or ‘links on specific pages’).

For setting your Linkworth price,
set what you think your links are worth
or read our
How to set your price | How to make money with Linkworth Tutorial (2)

Then you sit back until one day an advertiser contacts you, like what happened to me today.

All I have to do then is go to LinkWorth to approve the link and put it on my website.

Of course LinkWorth will take a part from your set price between 30 or 50%, depending on your choice (read here).



LinkPosts are "posts with a link" : posts you write following some guidelines (how many words, what link you need to add) and you get paid for it.

Again the same logic: set your price and go and check every hour if you have an offer.

For setting your Linkworth price,
set what you think your links are worth
or read our
How to set your price | How to make money with Linkworth Tutorial (2)

Yes, you read that right: only if you check your website, you know there is something available for you. Because I had an email telling me I had a LinkMura, only then I saw I got 2 LinkPosts…

That’s why I prefer "LinkPosts" from Smorty, because they send me an email every time there is something for me to write about.

Yes, go for services that do the work for you, as you already have to work hard enough to get some extra income online 🙂

But again, if you want 1 website that has all the services that are scattered online, stick with LinkWorth. It’s still far better than trying to grab a post at PayPerPost having your second computer updating the screen every 15 seconds…


Is what I got offered in my email today.

It looks like LinkAds but each time you refresh your page, a new anchor text with new URL get’s displayed.

Installing the code is not straight forward (that’s why I can’t show you an example on my site yet), but LinkWorth has a good
customer service, you ask and I will tell you how fast they will answer this time (normally in 24 hours).


This is exactly what it says: you get paid for a link in the text of your blog.

Again the same logic: you set your minimum price and LinkWorth "does the rest".

Once you approve a Linkintxt some word somewhere in your blog (you will know exactly where) will suddenly show a link to the advertiser that bought your word.

Personally this is my favorite as you can write your blog about all the things you prefer to write about and advertisers just buy words that are already on your site.


LinkWords is LinkWorth‘s version of Kontera.

If you add this feature than automatically some words in your blog will be underlined twice like the words "advertising" and "money" in the picture below.


Once a visitor places his mouse over these words, a little ad pops up like in the picture below.

linkworth linkwords

Only when people click inside that ad, you will be paid.

Looks fancy but I am not using it. Why not? Well, 2 reasons:

  • I use the Kontera version because I found them first, otherwise I would be using the LinkWorth LinkWords version
  • because I prefer Linkintxt:

it’s much more fun to be paid per month than per click 🙂


This is the old LinkWorth
version of LinkMura: the anchor text could rotate but was always pointing to the same URL. Interesting for advertisers, for yourself as a blogger it’s a similar concept as LinkAds and LinkMura explained above


Also called LinkWorth‘s
"BillBoard link ads" and again my favorite as a lazy way to earn money.

Basically an advertiser writes an article and pays you to put it on your site.

Same logic: set your price and sit and wait.

For setting your Linkworth price,
set what you think your links are worth
or read our
How to set your price | How to make money with Linkworth Tutorial (2)

Very practical for static websites if you ever looked for an easy way to get more money out of a non-blog 🙂


This is how LinkWorth sells links on all your blogs as a 1 package deals.

Although it’s again a lazy strategy, I have never used it before. But that’s because I am too lazy to try it out…

The idea is that 1 advertiser would put his links on all my blogs. Meaning he would put links on blogs that are off topic, and most likely he won’t pay too much for that.

On the other hand: he will get a quick fix for his money, and the time he gains he should pay extra for it…

In other words: whoever is using it, please leave a comment. Note to myself: try and see 😉

LinkWorth takes 30% or 50% : you choose!

linkworth earn moreLinkWorth is proud to tell you that unlike other services, they will only take a 30% cut of your set price if you opt for their "basic account".

Yeah right. Sounds great… but I did that for a few months and didn’t get any offer…

Only when I changed my account in giving LinkWorth 50% of my set price, LinkWorth started looking for advertisers for me.

Be logical: why would they give ads to people that only give them 30% when there are equally interesting bloggers that give them 50%. Now you know why they call it a Preferred Partner Account – Commission Split (50/50)

Once you overcome your pride and just do what is done with most other services: a 50/50 split, you will be earning money with LinkWorth.


Ok, this LinkWorth post became a bit longer than I thought, but that’s only because:

they do have a lot of money making possibilities for you to make money with.

So I can imagine that when you still need more explanations about how to make money with LinkWorth, you will leave a comment, won’t you?

And I will add my answer to your question in our LinkWorth Tutorial.