How often do I text a girl I like (we are pretty close to dating) + conversation tips?

This girl I’m about to date, I like her and she likes me. We text daily but we are running out of things to say, is it okay if I start switching to once every 2 or 3 days? And conversation tips please? Is it rude for me to text her a little and end it after a few texts?


  1. Yellowstonedogs says

    If you are close to dating you should be texting every day and a good night one.

    You need to understand that girls put a lot more emphasis on texting (phone calls and website comments) than guys do.
    It’s important to them.
    Remember to always respond to a text and try to address everything she says.
    No, it’s not rude to end a text after a few, but make suer she understands it’s your last one, don’t let her wait for another one.
    And don’t do it abruptly, tell her you have somtehing you have to do.

    Think about what it is you want to now about her!
    Some other topics:
    Your day, her day
    Funny stories
    Likes, dislikes
    Family, neighbours, pets
    Mutual friends
    Internet/websites you both like
    Movies, television
    Music, concerts
    Hobbies, interests, gossip (girls love it)
    And the news and weather, especially if it’s extreme
    Then there is “What’s your favourite?”:
    Song. . . . . . . . . . .

    Here are some sites that might help too:

  2. Everyone is dating someone, or at least has dated somebody at one point in time. While some people find it exciting, other people really hate the process. But, if you ever hope to find the right girl to stop your need to date forever, you have to date in order to find her. Guys, it’s a necessary evil when it comes to finding that perfect person for you. So, take this good advice.

    Dating successfully can be split into the five most crucial things when it comes to dating girls. These are:

    Girls are not impressed when guys place the palms of their hands in their armpits and make disgusting noises while making bird-like flapping motions. Girls don’t even like this behavior when they’re drunk. So, do yourself a favor and reserve this kind of thing for an evening with the guys.

    Girls do not like it when you revel in your previous conquests and relationships. They have no interest in hearing about the dumb blonde who couldn’t say a single intelligent word but had the most awesome boobs ever. Nor do they think it’s wonderful when their guy is ogled by women all over the place. Take your date somewhere new where you aren’t likely to run into your prior ‘adventures,’ and whatever else you do, avoid mentioning your ex-girlfriend.

    They really don’t want to see you standing in the doorway in your tattered jeans with a nasty, five-dollar pizza in hand. Just take my word for it on this one. Perhaps later on, like when you have teenage children, then you can do this sort of thing. But, in the meantime, shower regularly, wear some khakis and a pullover, and bring her a nice floral bouquet instead of a greasy bag of fast food.

    Girls aren’t flattered when their date whips out a discount two-for-one coupon at a restaurant. Don’t get me wrong, a bargain is a great thing, especially when the economy is rough. But, save your freebies for your best buddy, who won’t pay attention nor care how you pay, as long as you do. Or use them when you’re with your mom – she’s sure to praise your budgetary prowess. But avoid making your date feel that she isn’t worth paying full price.

    Another cardinal rule for dating girls is that burping and farting contests are definitely a no-no. Not only are girls neither interested nor entertained by this behavior, they are utterly and absolutely disgusted by it. Save your silent-but-deadly contests and belching out the national anthem for a night with your drunken frat brothers.

    Keeping in mind these five successful tips for dating girls can be your saving grace when it comes to having enjoyable and pleasant dates. By using these five important tips, you even have a fighting chance of having more than one date with the same girl. Many people will offer you their supposedly sage dating advice, and some even say the most important thing is to just be yourself.

    This isn’t awful advice and it can help you in your quest, but if being yourself includes the prohibited behaviors on the list of successful tips for dating girls, then don’t be yourself. Be better than that. Remember the five successful tips for dating girls to improve your dating life more than you could have imagined.

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