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@globalarte hey that’s what they assume, not what I assume. I wish we can bypass the bullshit and get on with business too.
@ArtanesFTW That means : a guy who knows how to courtship has a big penis ? maybe thats right.
My point is sometimes a guy get tired of having to lie (everybody does that during courtship) and act like James Bond to get a girl.
I’m sure in the distant future will see this ridiculous act and laugh about the ancient bimillenial humanity ( like we laugh now about the classic caveman draggin his woman from her hair :>)
girls automatically assume that you have small penis and that they can bring pleasure to you but you can’t bring pleasure to them, so they gotta make sure it’s worth it for them.
maybe it will help you do turn off your vibrators before push record you euro trash whore! lmaooooo!
what!!!! good tips, write a book.
Why we can’t just be honest? and say :
Hi my name is Mr Potato Head i like your breasts and your face and your hips ,
thats why i’m here talking to you.I know nothing about your personality nor preferences in any aspect of life ,but i feel your body as a magnet .
Want to have sex ?
And maybe if we understand and like each other get married ?
(Why always this nonsense courtship?)
haanyone wanna cam and swap pics then let meh know
plz join this dating site the link is on my profile
these girl tips are just about as good as getting a tactical nuke tutorial(CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 best game ever) point is i hope this works because i have NEVER had a girlfriend and im kinda sad.
@AmbrosioLover i hate it when girls comment saying boys are perverted. first its not if every guy does it so wait before you comment retarted stuff(no intended hate comment)
You guys are so perverted staring at her breasts guys do that to me all the time and I know that she is def uncomfertable wit dat so stop k or take a pic It’ll last longer >:(
lol u are so right. Funny and (slightly) arrogant always works.
Si lo traducen a espaƱol la hacen loco!!
are you with anyone because it would seem to have more expreance with someone
You remind me of Alyson Hannigan from “American Pie”. She was the “band geek” but I don’t think you look like a geek (neither does she).
@thursdayguy, happened same on me. What she was saying? About what?
yea she def pissed about guys gocking at her boobs haha. its funny to us americans dont need this advice we got the big american shank. all other country’s wish they had. well cept africa hahah
yea she def pissed about guys gocking at her boobs haha
I’ve met some hot chicks at datehotties(dot)info and i’m pretty nerdy, you just need confidence..
boring. who didn’t already know all of this? seems like common sense. However, you can skip all this with a rag soaked in chloroform ftw.
is that a dutch accent i hear?
belgium or NL?
can i kiss u in the lip
put that wooden cork from the wine bottle up in her ass when shes sleeping
This girl is probably – and surely there’s a huge irony in this, somewhere – a virgin.
i was looking at her boobs at the time she said it, i was like wtf this girl is psycho