The Edison Chen Scandal is long from over and even my cat is beginning to see similarities between Hong Kong Edison Chen and UK based DaddyP.
Made on a Mac
Edison Chen’s pictures were all stored on a pink Mac. Why pink? Pink is for girls, so it’s logical Edison stuffed his "Cotton Candy Mac" as he calls it with the famous pictures of Asian celebrities.
Edison Chen’s Cotton Candy Mac
Daddy P always signs his posts with :
Daddy P’s Double Mac
Both write in … code?
Zhang Bia Zhi on Edison Chen’s laptop:
to break the code: each character stands for 1 word…
Daddy P on Daddy P’s laptop:
to break the code: the picture says it all…
Too many girls for comfort
Edison Chan and Daddy P both love to be in the center off female attention.
Edison Chen’s top 5 is: Bobo Chan, Maggie Q, Vincy Yeung, Gillian Chung, Cecilia Cheung… Really in no particular order…
Daddy P’s top 5 is … Lo TG, fracas, baby, 70s, nurse, olga, jackie, sugar queen, dar, qtpies7, tiny, sylvie … Really in no particular order nor counting… and the official over 1000 members complete list can be found over at Daddy P’s blog.
Way too young for comfort
Edison Chen
In Edison Chen’s case: dating his actual girlfriend officially from her legal age of 16…
Former "girlfriend" Gillian Chung sums it up by saying:
"those days I was silly and naive":
wisdom does come after life experience!
Daddy P
In Daddy P’s case: it’s all about community spirit
Daddy P sums it up by saying: "I have a peabrain":
wisdom does come after reading lot’s of comments!
And why aren’t you in the DP top 5 young Linky? Is it because you are modest?
I shall say it for you
“LINKY LOVE IS IN MY TOP 5 [although she can’t count]”
(When the DP Fan Club is officially launched later this week – I shall make sure that you are near the top of the list – that is, if you join of course.)
Oh, I was sure I had reached 5 already…
So according to you I am near your top 5 in the DP Fan Club that doesn’t exist yet and which I need to join still…
That’s a piece of chocolate cake 😉
“Life is like a box of chocolates ……..” – we must look to the future …… I know – I’m an inspiration
daddyp is more of a marshmallow than a cotton candy type of guy 🙂
If life is like a box of chocloates it’s finished before you know it, yet delicious 🙂
And I am sure DaddyP still has his first marshmallow well saved in a tupperware box … I know, I can be an inspiration as well 🙂