Guaranteeing a girl’s attention means planting seeds and sharing interests and then making yourself scarce, but not quite “hard to get.” Grab and keep a girl’s attention with advice from a female dating coach in this free video on dating tips for guys. Expert: Jessica Claire Contact: Bio: Jessica Claire is the host of her own midnight hour talk radio show, where she gives advice on dating. Filmmaker: Paul Muller
Jess great advice. Long time since I have seen you and occassionally like to check in on your advice. I hope your profession is going well and you are getting a lot of clients. I miss seeing you around old friend.
@Rookerman2010 paying for sex to get dates makes you a John, not a pimp, and doesn’t make an expert.
this advice is bullshit
@inmywakinghour so funny and sad cuz its true, money grubbing cunts!
What a load of horse shit.
plz join this dating site the link is on my profile
Just spit in her mouth. That will get her attention AND she will never forget you 🙂
take off your clothes? or paint your face black and say bomb. its promises a wide audience!
take off your clothes? or paint your face black and say bomb. its promises a wide audience!
@Egotistica you mean like all the women you fuck…err wish you could fuck.
I think its important to note that these vids are meant for mature people who want to have a mature “grown up” relationship who have goals of having a legit job and a family. There not for the people who all they can aspire to have are hook ups because they might be in prison the next day. = )
Hey Jessica I have a question. Why can’t a guy just walk up to a women and say…”Hey, I don’t exactly know what to say to make you want to have sex with me, but what do you say we just skip all the bullshit and go right to the sex.” Why won’t that work? I mean God wants us to have sex right.. he wouldn’t have created sex if he didn’t want us to do it.
Hey Jessica I have a question. Why can’t a guy just walk up to a women and say…”Hey, I don’t exactly know what to say to make you want to have sex with me, but what do you say we just skip all the bullshit and go right to the sex.” Why won’t that work? I mean God wants us to have sex right.. he wouldn’t have created sex if he didn’t want us to do it.
@farhannius Lol. Thats funny. I highly doubt you actually said that. If you did.. then you are very brave. I went up to this one chick before and was gonna ask her how much her boobs costed, but before I did I chickened out lmao. Alls I said was, “Hey can I ask you a question?”…. she goes “What???” and I said “How old are you?” instead lol. Lol she goes….. “Whhhaattt…?????” and then I just left lmao. I was like fuck this.
This is the kind of woman you hate instantly after you ejaculate.
Jessica Claire you are gorgeous. Say, I was thinking about some of your advice, specifically the one on not giving disgusting and crude compliments and it’s so true. Like this one time, I went up to this really stunning girl and after a bit of talking I said: “You know, I love your top it really looks good on you, but it’d look better with my cum stains all over it”.
From there things took a turn for the worse and I have a black eye to prove it.
Keep up the good work Jessica!
then why are you watching these vids casanova?
how to garantee a girl’s attention ? 1. quantity of ex-grilfriends 2. money 3. penis length (equal with point 2)
hahah! Im a girl and I think that if maybe If someone did that to me I might look for him for maybe 2 minutes to see where he went but then do my own thing unless he said something flirty then i would talk to him ……He would have to do something that would make me WANT to look for him, not a compliment then a good bye
hahah wat would you differnt
She needs to stop being a dating coach, becuase her tips are wack. This is coming from a former L..A. pimp.
wow you have the best hair in this place id think damn can he beeeeeeeee more gay …
This Is fractionation seduction. very powerful stuff
I guarantee that 90% of this methodology is not going to work. If you say something to a woman and you leave or disappear for a moment. The chances are she’ll find another man to talk to.