Dating Tips – When approaching women, I’ve been told that persistence is a good thing. Should I be persistent after receiving the first no? How do I know if I’m being too pushy?
Loving the Internet, Linking singles together one date at a time
Dating Tips – When approaching women, I’ve been told that persistence is a good thing. Should I be persistent after receiving the first no? How do I know if I’m being too pushy?
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anyone else notice dan’s hair is thinning?
Nope … it’s not Phoebe 🙂
@missemmalabemma phoebe you mean? i dont think she is very look-alike, well my opinion
omg she accaully does 🙂
Interesting video….i got a book from a pick up artist named alex maas, the book changed my life with women. definitely take a look if you want to up your game. if your interested- revampyourgame(dot)com
In the United States – No means No -. Remember, No bitch is worth spending the rest of your life in prison.
agree, but dont think she is.
A perfect example of this is Edward Cullen. His generally creepy behavior of following Bella around and watching her while she slept was “romantic” because he’s (apparently) attractive. Now, imagine McLovin’ doing that to you.
Enough said.
jennifer looks like febi ( cant spell it) from friends is she? lol
thank you?
Roman Polanski would love this title
If the girl finds him attractive its being percistant… if she finds him to be totally unattractive hes being push,needy,clingy and stalkerish and all the other terms women like you use
that is being too desperate. talk to him/her , go out with groups that get smaller den only 2 of u . when u feel comfortable and confident den confess
Don’t kid yerself baby, “NO” ALWAYS means “NO”!! However, NO does offer two great benefits – you save by only having to buy a Big-Mac for one person and are sure of getting an undisturbed night’s sleep. Now isn’t that something?
Horatio Nelson
tell him/her you love them
How long schould you let her get to know her before you make your move?
suck my balls
well maybe it’s bad advice,
actully it’s no advice it’s just, being yourself and respectfull to a women, get to know her and let she get to know you before considering for a relationship 🙂 that’s no advise, that’s logic; 🙂
bad advice is like, hey say this when you go to her: ” did it hurt? when you fell out of heaven”, thats bad advice 🙂
Dan is like Dr Wilson from House MD
first get more flirty so he duznt see u as a best friend, then ask him 2 go 2 cinema or sumthing… he’ll get the drift… thats how we europeans do it 😉
who is dumb anough to actually do this ?
half the time anyone takes advice from others, it doesnt work.
so best choice would just be to learn and do things by urselfs.
Confidence Is Golden
thats a REALLY good answer dude, if u were a video i wouldve given u 5 stars
Offer a BJ, he can’t say no.
I am in love with my best friend. How do I get the guts to tell him?