lovein90days.comDating advice expert, Dr. Diana Kirschner, assisted by blogger pup, Madison, teaches you simple yet powerful flirting tips designed to help you attract and date great men! Each dating advice webisode gives you three different flirting tips based on Dr. Diana’s bestselling new dating book, Love in 90 Days. For a free dating advice course go to http and sign up in the Love Etips box. You will get 11 free dating tip lessons that help you feel more confident and ready for flirting and attracting the men you really want!
your a right prate
women don’t need advices all they gotta do is look good and they’ll get any guy they choose, unless maybe if that guy is already in a relationship.
I’m 14 and theres this really nice cute guy i really like. He notices me and you know sometimes does the “glimps” or the full on stare. One of my best friend always talks to him and telling him about me, and since we never talked so much he wants to talk to me…. But i’m super shy about it! Ugh! Help!
i’d love to listen to what you had to say but the dog is sooo distracting
Im wondering why some women like those dogs. Maybe its a wish of these women, where the dog is a weak guy who is controlled by a woman who thinks she has the power.
Ironically I hope your husband is not like your dog dear dr d.
I would like to know your opinion about the power sharing between man and woman in a relationship. How about that? Make a video about.
He’s really shy and so u have to make the first move like if he’s a fan of certain music and u can burn a cd of something he’d like
Dr. Diana
You’re a nice lady. Madison looks as if he’s a real sport.
I’m 14years old and I really likie a guy at my school. It seems like he likes me but at the same time, it seems like he doesn’t. I hang out with my friends and they hang out close to where my crush and his friends hang out and every few minutes we make eye contact but, we can never talk. We’ve talked on myspace before but, when i’m standing right in front of him all we can say is,”hi.” I desperately need advice because i’m going CRAZY just thinking about him.
OH MAN Madison’s got a shirt now!!!
all these videos are hilarious, i just stare at the dog in the background. hahaha, soo good!
I don’t get it. Men want to be treated like pomeranians?
So? Maybe she cheats on her husband with the dog. You ever think of that?
I’m not a dog person, but that one is so cute! lol. And no, I’m not gay either.
@SonofBrunhilde You’re stupid. She has a husband
hahahahaha thats a very good reason!lol
@lovein90days most of it totaly works
i only watch this for the dog
lovein90days, This video is definently ok. I enjoyed it.
please dont read this. you will get kissed on the nearest possible friday by? the love of your life. tommorow will be the best day of your life. however if you dont post this comment to at least 3 videos you will? die in? two? days. NOW uv started redin dis dont stop this is? so scary. xsend this over to 5 videos? in 143 minutes when you are done press f6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in? BIG LETTERS. THIS WORKS
The dog flitting is a movie of its own lol. I’m a guy and this all seems like common sense. Its the fear of refection most people are worried about.
madison’s face at 2:22 is so funny HAHAHA
The reason I’m watching these is because I like this guy, and my sister has been flirting nonstop with him. She knows I like him too. Now she says she kind of likes him, and knowing her, she will never let me a have a minute with him. Its sad that I’m competing with my sister over a friend who is my age and in my grade. I wish she would just back off… 🙁
It was a compliment. I just meant that you say it in a cutsie cutsie way with the dog, which is different in the way you would say it to a man. Your dog is sooooo cute! I like your advice and wish I had the guts to try some of it.
Thank you for the compliment, I think.
For the record, I’ve been married to an incredible guy for over 25 years.
My dog is a way for me to have fun while giving helpful advice.
dr d
It’s kind of hard to take advice from a woman who is flirting with a dog. Oh well…..good advice though.