Dating Advice Boot Camp Day 6: Love in 90 Days

Welcome to Relationship expert, Dr. Diana Kirschner’s Dating Advice Boot Camp. It’s Day 6of the first training week for a group of six single women who are learning how to date men and find true love in 90 days. Can it be done? This award-winning 7-webisode series includes dating advice videos on overcoming shyness, becoming more confident, flirting tips & attracting men. Meet Nicole, who falls for unavailable men; Shanice, who is shy; Alison, who dates narcissists; Lauren, who chooses pr**cks; Krista, who dates losers; and, Celeste, who thinks that no guy is good enough. Dr. Diana, their zany drill sergeant coach, guides the women through funny confidence-building marches where the women sound off about their dating problems, shyness fear factor drills with strangers in the park, and the poignant sharing of their own loveless eulogies. For your free dating advice course go to http and sign up in the Love Etips box. You will get 11 free dating tip boot camp lessons that help you feel more confident and ready to date the men you really want.


  1. datingwomensex says

    Keep this stuff coming.

  2. drivenhome says

    Also he’s a terrible actor, the vids just kept getting unreal, fake and incredulous.
    Leaves one with an uncomfortable distrust in the information provided.
    And it started off so good, oh well, moving along.

  3. drivenhome says

    As soon as a guy feels threatened by another rival seems he’ll show his brawn.
    However, it seems it’s all about the other guy and the competition, not about true love for the girl in his life. Which tells me there are millions of girls cowtide to there dream boat while he’s just playing gladiator sports. It’s not real, its sport.
    Sure it probably works, but it’s decieving and ugly and basicaly the relationship has no guts no respect.

  4. TheSecretWindowSpott says

    God her boyfriend is ugly & selfish, also a jurk!!

  5. ZzzINSIGHTzzZ says

    VERY GOOD VIDS There is a lot of learn here and or even as a refresher of things we may know but don’t keep in the forfront of our minds. Thank You

  6. These are soooo fake….but they are fun to watch. OH…BTW…Her boyfriend is so ugly!

  7. SVGoldylocks says

    agreed …. lool… was fun to watch

  8. Beyonceforever1 says

    so funny!

  9. Loveinthemist11 says

    krrp making these! they are fun to watch

  10. What!! Two more people!!! lol seriuosly funny you know this will make him want her more though, he’s going to become the baby now clingy demanding, grateful for a crumb of her

  11. SultanaLotus says

    this guy is so possessive and obnoxious
    but i really love these videos

  12. good……………….

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