Percanat up close and personal What’s the hype about Percanat? You should see it up close here to believe it and then read on to better understand it. Be prepared: it could get hot and ugly! Percanat up close and personal! You are even more famous when you are death First and foremost, sadly but […]
Why you should advertise on Linky Love now!
Because you want lots of visitors on your site for the best price ever! convert our 10K daily visitors to your website demographics: 80% US 10% Australia Ad testimonials The Postcard Collector "After I gave Linky Love a $10.00 tip, I’ve increased traffic coming from this website to mine. It’s working for me & it […]
RealRank 1 – Real Earnings 0
Why Google loves PayPerPost Google is clear: buying or selling links that pass PageRank is in violation of Google’s webmaster guidelines PayPerPost is “clear”: install our ITK-RealRank code in your website "and all is great…" Google now only has to detect ITK-RealRank codeto know you are "one of those from PayPerPost"… What will Google do […]
Linky Love, bragging rights and Zoey Zane dangers
Linky Love bragging rights Since last week the fresh visitors has been poring in big time at Linky Love, which makes us listing quite high on different rankings. For independent comparisons: add your link to our very own Linky Love Toplist and become blog of the weekend! PayPerPost RealRank 23 RealRank 23 at PayPerPost Ranking […]
Two girls one cup
Two girls one cup… Wysiwyg Two Girls One Cup Now who said Linky Love doesn’t stay on top of the latest gossip? Ok, I do admit that in the Dutch blogs they have a different opinion about what two girls one cup should be all about. As for me: I like a good cup of […]
Julianne Hough’s quickstep cancels another marriage
Since you are here: Find the date of your life!simply sign up at Linky Love’s totally free personals! Julianne Hough’s quickstep cancels another marriage Julianne Hough can dance as good as she can break up marriages… maybe her family has a divorce lawyers office? Ok, my imagination is going wild gain… It’s not always about […]
What cats can teach you about making money with Adsense
You must have read the so called "earn money when you sleep" slogans,trying to sell you yet another affiliate ebook. But is it really just fiction and no facts? First let’s see what we can learn from cats… Cats sleep a lot yet manage to live a great lifestyle Cats earn a living sleeping… If […]
How to become as famous as Angelina Jolie?
Although today is Money Monday, we take some breath as otherwise Linky Love becomes to much work and too little play… So if you feel like playing you can add url and become blog of the weekend. Or if you feel like playing in the real world, search in our non existing personals of Noelia, […]
Who wants to date Noelia at Linky Love?
Tip $10 here to place your ad instantly! What, can we really date Noelia on Linky Love dot net? Well, we are in the progress of having this service for your, there are only 2 more obstacles: I have to make sure my new online dating site is completely running at totally free personals I […]
How to put your link on my site in less than 5 seconds
Get your link online on the spot! Tip $10 here and Linky Love places your link automatically!
What Palmolive Palma can teach you about making money online
You can choose between: The Palmolive Palma way The Linky Love way Take a proven method and improve it These days the one sure thing to get you instantly famous on the Internet is having your own personal sex tape. The girls are quite slutty cute, sexy, gorgeous (you won’t hear me saying Paris Hilton […]
Bersih: Porque no te callas?
New PageRank safe way of selling links! Do you want to add your ad-link immediately? You can if you look to your right, where it says “Are You in My TopSpots?”! I reserved 20 TopSpots: You are sure your link will be visible for a long time. More than 50% cheaper than Text Link Ads, […]
Geek Girls Unite!
New PageRank safe way of selling links! If you look to your right, there is a thing that says “Are You in My TopSpots?” and there are a bunch of spots where you can buy a text link for. Did you see the latest addition: Ultimate Geek Girl? That’s when the Universe finally made me […]
Cat Karma: how to beat Google: new Text Link Ads!
Tip $10 here and we place your add instantly! If you burn the land, new plants will emerge fast! If Google burns down PageRank, new ideas will emerge fast! New PageRank safe way of selling links! If you look to your right, there is a thing that says “Are You in My TopSpots?” and there […]
What pole-dancing can teach you about PageRank: Monthly Earnings!
Why didn’t I update my monthly earnings until now? Because I got alarmed when 3 months ago there was no PR upgrade, only PageRank downgrades… which had a big influence on my strategy and earnings. It’s earnings that count Earnings Strategy: my answer to Google dropping PageRank Take an old horse (French Swear Words blog) […]
Fresh visitors: show off your awards!
If you are heavily attracting new visitors to your site like I am doing these days, then you need to make sure they get impressed by what you have on offer. If you are writing about how to make money on the Internet, then make sure it is somewhere clearly stated you are earning at […]
Join The Big A$$ profile list
Since we started today talking about Kristina Dimitrova’s ass in How to make money in your underwear, let’s now get back on topic with a new Make Money Online Bloggers list in the making: The Big A$$ profile list. How to attract fresh visitors Make or join a list like what we said in Make […]
How to make money on Halloween!
Halloween is the ideal time to make some extra money, and best of all: it is tax free! All you have to do is dress up as a kid, go from door to door and scare the hell out of those parents! Don’t settle for treats, demand real money (baseball bats could strengthen your demands […]
What really fat cats can teach you about PageRank
What really fat cats can teach you about PageRank… What do fat cats and PageRank have in common? Nothing really, and that’s the lesson to learn today. The only reason why this cat is fat is because: his bosses love him dearly and give him lots of food for being a lazy cat … If […]
Eva Longoria Pussy
What can Eva Longoria’s Pussy teach us about PageRank and search engine rankings? Are you trying to spice up your website with all things related to sex? Then you could end up high in the search engines like Linky Love did for Eva Longoria Pussy Eva Longoria Pussy: SERP 17 🙂 Drop your pants to […]
3 secrets chickens can teach you about making money online
Chicken wisdom for those being that Google spanked their Pagerank…. 1. Make money online: Trade eggs for food Why do we keep chickens? Because they keep giving us eggs in exchange for corn. If you have something that other people want, you are in business! The disadvantage of this business plan is that the chicken […]
Add URL: Add your link to Linky Love is still free!
Linky Love is still in the midst of revamping this blog and our latest addition is a professional web directory called Dewitt’s Media Web Directory. Compared with the Linky Love Toplist Directory: Dewitt’s Media Web Directory is not free, Linky Love Toplist Directory is free for only 80$ you are always on top at Dewitt’s […]
Bite me, scratch me, lick me!
Lick me? That should be: link me! I can lick myself thank you! Date Linky Love: click here According to the piggy Queen of Tits, I should add some you name it, we show it: tits, in order to get more visitors; more clicks and therefore more dates. Date Linky Love: click hereQuite impressive claws […]
Win £120 and priceless Linky Love!
This is a contest based on merit in stead of cheer luck, which means the bigger your effort, the bigger your prize! What can you win? You can have your 468×60 banner shown for at least 1 month on prime time web estate space: on top of my blog, like so: Work your banner on […]
Monday Mood Meme
A lovely easy meme for those who are in the mood (any mood that is!) and love to add pictures on their blogs. ===== Rules, Regulations kind of stuff ==== The rules are simple and will be changed by Joey 🙂 Show us a picture of your current mood Explain why this picture describes your […]
Make a perfect list to attract fresh visitors
I invite all of you listed to Join My Toplist 🙂Like fracas, you could be the next blog of the weekend (which the soonest is tomorrow!) This make-a-useful-list technique is very smart if you are not the top website in your niche yet: you just make a list of all the sites that are the […]
Most aMazing Monday Meme
Since I am out of the office (yeah, kind of cute way of saying I have no office in the first place 😉 ): join my amazing incredibly popular The Biggest Monday Meme Ever or join Fracas’ Monday Melee or join both!!!!!! Main thing is you join to get more Linky Love and more visitors! […]
My weekend Linky Love
If you give some extra love to Linky Love, I might as well give you a special thank you back during the weekend 🙂 Thanks to Jean Chia It’s always a great pleasure to interact with Jean Chia: thanks for participating in the biggest meme ever! Thanks to Joey Moggie Double thanks to Joey Moggie […]
What a baby can teach you about attracting fresh visitors
If you have a new website which is nowhere to be found in the search engine, then your only option is to use baby tactics: SHOUT and CRY ! Shout and Cry case study If you go to our Wanna be on top toplist you first add your url free and then see the top […]
Almost blog of the weekend
They could become blog of the weekend just like you if you join: Linky Love’s Toplist directory: looking for the new blog of the weekend! Toast & Egg & Me Dana Says Bob’s Thoughts…
Fresh Visitors Friday: Be on top of the news!
One way of attracting new visitors is breaking a news-story first. The second best thing is being on top of the news and add in your personal touch. It will attract less visitors than the first idea, but still more visitors than when you just sit back and relax! Vanessa Hudgens nude case study This […]
Meme Monday
And when you write it MeMe Monday it becomes MMM. Now don’t confuse this with Me Me on Mondays, which of course is incredibly sexy, the other days of the week me look even more sexy 🙂 Meme Theme Monday’s from now on will be having a Meme, so who-ever wants to give or receive […]
New + Better than PayPerPost: Livewire.NET!
Since I can’t make money anymore with PayPerPost due to "geographical segmentation", I am now focused on making 35$ with this one post! How can you earn 35$ with one post like this as well? Simple: you need to sleep with the founder of Livewire.NET read the latest secret in make money online follow the […]
Blog of the day 8: Joey Moggie
Your already Blog of the day number 8 has arrived 🙂 This is a great site from Joey who has an extremely well linked to "cat" blog. Unfortunately one of the directory badges is not showing up and pushing here sidebar to the bottom. That’s why you all should use Linky Love’s directory badge which […]
What do you do if you don’t have anything to offer
You sell fresh air! Agloco is the best example of this tactic, but PayPerPost talks back! about Argus in What is coming uses the exact same tactic. What is coming? The key factor is making a big fuzz about something that is coming making sure: you make it sound big you don’t reveal when the […]
Singapore Sluts now ranking number 1
Yes, there is now one Singapore Slut on top of the search engine and that Singapore Slut is me 🙂 ??? 😈 Yes, I am above all the other Singapore sluts now 😉 Yours truly Singapore slut… Last of the Singapore Sluts series Ok, this was just an example how you can be rich and […]
Singapore Sluts ranking update
It seems that my Singapore Sluts are doing much better than my Sexy Secretaries now! Singapore Sluts on top of that are looked after 147 times according to Overture: Singapore Sluts are looked after 147 times. Above 1000 times would be standard if you want to monetize a keyword phrase solely on SEO rankings. It’s […]
Do you prefer sexy secretaries or just 1 Singapore slut?
Before embarking on a trip to sexy Singapore, and having it seen all about Sexy Secretaries, You should first go and read why J David will have to visit Singapore one day… I has to do with ordering a Singapore Slut… That must be a men’s order as I will stick to a Singapore Sling […]
Last updated: July 5, 2007 Join the favicon matrix! If you liked the benefits of viral tags and you love the beauty of favicons, then you should also try this out! Instead of tags, your blog or site’s favicon are inserted in the matrix. This ends up to be a beautiful artwork for your blog! […]
What to do on a bored Sunday?
ONLY IF your name is Horny Ah Mong, you visit Girls Swimsuits Otherwise leave a comment and / or: introduce yourself (name, website, hobbies, everything you want to let out 🙂 ) tell me what you wanted to see on this blog and you didn’t find And if you really love me: Copy/paste this HTML […]
What to do on a bored Sunday?
Earn 7.5 $ By reviewing my post or my blog. Read how that works at: Get paid to review 1 of my posts now! Review your site and add to Linky Love Review your own site (you can use the feedback guidelines at Step 10: Evaluation) and post your review as a comment here! The […]
How to enjoy your Sunday
At linkylove of course! Link to us and add your site in a comment if you want to be listed here. If you want some love back this Sunday, then add this on your site. Just copy and paste the green HTML below: <a href="" title="Make Money Online | Add your link exchange" target="_blank"><img src="" […]
Malaysia: join the MY list
It’s all about niche: something different somewhere Lists are plentiful, see my D-List, so this niche is about "somewhere" : getting all the Malaysian Bloggers on 1 list. How does the MY-list work? As explained by Ah Pek in his always impeccable English 😛 You can get the MY List here: Read the instructions […]
What to do when you are bored on a Sunday?
1. Give me some linky love If you want some love back, then add this on your site. Just copy and paste the green HTML below: <a href="" title="Make Money Online | Add your link exchange" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Make money online | Add your link exchange" width="80" height="15" border="0" ></a> 2. Join the D-List For […]
What to do when you are bored on a Sunday?
Give me some linky love and I linky love you back 🙂 You are bored and I need to get more links : let me give you some love because: The first 10 to link to my site will be featured in my first 10 links category! To get noticed faster: leave a comment here, […]
Stick to the plan!
So I setup a site called linkylove: what’s in a name? That I love to link back to people that link to me. Now walk the walk and talk the talk. For those wondering why I have a theme with 4 columns: that is to be able to add lots and lots of links. I […]