Bite me, scratch me, lick me!

Lick me? That should be: link me! I can lick myself thank you!

bite linky love

Date Linky Love: click here

According to the piggy Queen of Tits, I should add some you name it, we show it: tits, in order to get more visitors; more clicks and therefore more dates.

date linky love

Date Linky Love: click here
Quite impressive claws as well… but are they retractable?

Although I am way much more pretty than Halle Purry, well, euhm… choose for yourself whom you want to date 🙂

Please leave a comment if you want to get a lick, purr, bite or scratch 🙂


  1. Ah …….. Halle’s Berries. Nuff said. Good morning young Linky.

  2. @DaddyP

    Goodmorning daddyP , now that’s a cat you want to get engaged to 🙂

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