Girl why are these BM and some women justifiying the shortcomings of black men as if we should just accept it? I DONT GET IT. i want someone literate, high morals no children out of wedlock, ambitions and doesnt want to live on the edge of being broke..OR BETTER YET THAT DOESNT DRESS LIKE A RAPPER! UGGHH..i think rap culture and lack of father figures in black homes is the reason why many bm are so messed up
@tsg581ba1 – the reality is they will more than likely have kids. So, the choices are even more narrow for us. You can look for someone who has older children. But I understand where you are coming from on your choice.
I agree with you… personally I prefer to date a man with no kids.. I don’t want a ready made family because it’s so inhuman to me. I would rather be alone than to date or marry a man with kids. Even if I’am 90 years old, with a shitty diaper and on my death bed.
@freckles2720 You might have a hard time with the married thing because according to men who share the same views as me, there is no incentive to get married. Women are the only benifactors in a marriage during the union and after the break up. Because many women are vulturous at divorce and men are at the mercy of the women and state laws which, of course, sides with the women, it is better for many of us men to simply stay unmarried.
@jblackmel – Glad you see the humorous side of me. It’s sad at the propects out here. What I mentioned in the vides for me are baics values. Can the person write, hold down a job, know how to find a job, can & are taking care of his kids. Now, if you feel weight is an issue – so be it. It’s your opinion & I respect it. No, it was & is not intent to profess I have it all together. Who does?
they sould be PERSUED. Therefore, when you are coming to a man with a speech about you looking for a husband or directing him to a video with 9 minutes of you articulating your standards, i can see it being a huge turn off. Men want to feel like they are the persuers not the other way around. I don’t want to feel like my mother is telling me what type of man i should be. Besides, you shouldn’t want to be with a man who will allow “you” to define his manhood for him. I think you are going…
You are kinda funny. You questioning your standards and expressing your frustration with men assumes that the pool of “eligible” think you have it all together. You complain about several examples of men who, i will agree, could use some help in the writing department. However, maybe some men think you should lose some weight. Perhaps directing someone to a video could scare someone off. The problem is with you saying that you are “looking” for a husband.” Women are not PERSUERS…
No. Your standards are not 2 high. Suggestion, I would not alter my standards, & resign myself to unwanted traits. Now, I am not on point with somethings. I miss the mark on certain things, but my fiance doesn’t mind me not doing or being them. Ex: he is a social butterfly, I am the opposite. He admires my Loyalty more. It boils down 2 what do we value the MOST Is writing more important than fidelity? Obviously, expression by tongue & pen, is of value 2 u. Stand by your desires, & needs. PEACE
your problem is not FINDING a husband because frankly if you are FINDING a husband you will NEVER FIND HIM….you have to let him come TO YOU….be still he’ll come when you are not looking…
much love
Your standards are not too high 2720, but I will say this, I think the typed word gives room for a lot of mistakes. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, could it be they are caught up in text-type, slang and/ or short-hand? Maybe not, and that is sad. Many people (myself included) skip the proofing only to be embarrassed later. Don’t drop your standards, he’s out there. As for searching the net, remember this stuff is new to many people (i.e. their first computer) so go easy.
Lol, You can have mine. I married a real ducee for wanting a damn husband. I swear I should of remained single. One word of advise don’t lower your standards or You will be doomed.
Ha ! This was very funny! keep you’r standards and never lower them sometimes you gotta look in other states for love! you are a fine black sista, keep looking
Girl why are these BM and some women justifiying the shortcomings of black men as if we should just accept it? I DONT GET IT. i want someone literate, high morals no children out of wedlock, ambitions and doesnt want to live on the edge of being broke..OR BETTER YET THAT DOESNT DRESS LIKE A RAPPER! UGGHH..i think rap culture and lack of father figures in black homes is the reason why many bm are so messed up
@atomicsteve111 – WHat?
@tsg581ba1 – the reality is they will more than likely have kids. So, the choices are even more narrow for us. You can look for someone who has older children. But I understand where you are coming from on your choice.
The ability to communicate does not in of itself make someone intelligent. You seem to be seperated by a common language from “those” other people.
I agree with you… personally I prefer to date a man with no kids.. I don’t want a ready made family because it’s so inhuman to me. I would rather be alone than to date or marry a man with kids. Even if I’am 90 years old, with a shitty diaper and on my death bed.
@freckles2720 You might have a hard time with the married thing because according to men who share the same views as me, there is no incentive to get married. Women are the only benifactors in a marriage during the union and after the break up. Because many women are vulturous at divorce and men are at the mercy of the women and state laws which, of course, sides with the women, it is better for many of us men to simply stay unmarried.
@jblackmel – Glad you see the humorous side of me. It’s sad at the propects out here. What I mentioned in the vides for me are baics values. Can the person write, hold down a job, know how to find a job, can & are taking care of his kids. Now, if you feel weight is an issue – so be it. It’s your opinion & I respect it. No, it was & is not intent to profess I have it all together. Who does?
…about this the wrong way.
they sould be PERSUED. Therefore, when you are coming to a man with a speech about you looking for a husband or directing him to a video with 9 minutes of you articulating your standards, i can see it being a huge turn off. Men want to feel like they are the persuers not the other way around. I don’t want to feel like my mother is telling me what type of man i should be. Besides, you shouldn’t want to be with a man who will allow “you” to define his manhood for him. I think you are going…
You are kinda funny. You questioning your standards and expressing your frustration with men assumes that the pool of “eligible” think you have it all together. You complain about several examples of men who, i will agree, could use some help in the writing department. However, maybe some men think you should lose some weight. Perhaps directing someone to a video could scare someone off. The problem is with you saying that you are “looking” for a husband.” Women are not PERSUERS…
true that
I am out in the real world. Just so happens there is a wider audience on the net.
you should try going outside in the real world to find someone that dose not have to use a computer to get someone into their life like you do
He wrote Hand work man? He must be a little bit TOO handy.
No. Your standards are not 2 high. Suggestion, I would not alter my standards, & resign myself to unwanted traits. Now, I am not on point with somethings. I miss the mark on certain things, but my fiance doesn’t mind me not doing or being them. Ex: he is a social butterfly, I am the opposite. He admires my Loyalty more. It boils down 2 what do we value the MOST Is writing more important than fidelity? Obviously, expression by tongue & pen, is of value 2 u. Stand by your desires, & needs. PEACE
your problem is not FINDING a husband because frankly if you are FINDING a husband you will NEVER FIND HIM….you have to let him come TO YOU….be still he’ll come when you are not looking…
much love
The language written was definitely not text-type just plain old poor grammar.
Your standards are not too high 2720, but I will say this, I think the typed word gives room for a lot of mistakes. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, could it be they are caught up in text-type, slang and/ or short-hand? Maybe not, and that is sad. Many people (myself included) skip the proofing only to be embarrassed later. Don’t drop your standards, he’s out there. As for searching the net, remember this stuff is new to many people (i.e. their first computer) so go easy.
Btw,, you do have pretty eyes..(smile).
Good luck Freckles!!! (semi-pro sporting events/ hardware stores/ after work sport bar crowd/ home repair conventions <
I wont lower my standards.
Lol, You can have mine. I married a real ducee for wanting a damn husband. I swear I should of remained single. One word of advise don’t lower your standards or You will be doomed.
Thanks Jaboy, I’ve opend my options to other states as well. In fact, was conversating with one but it turned out to be a pen pal.
Ha ! This was very funny! keep you’r standards and never lower them sometimes you gotta look in other states for love! you are a fine black sista, keep looking
Thank you for your comment and yes, I know my standards are not to high – they are just the norm.