5 Minute Dating Tips

Dr. Ty grabs the camera on a summer afternoon to give you some quick tips on dating. Don’t forget to subscribe! www.tyadams.org


  1. -Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.

    -Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is useless. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.

    “So if God isn’t in it, it will fail, it can’t work. It will only be nourished if its God’s will. So check with God first, because he loves you and wants to keep you from heart ache.”

  2. yozillaproductions says

    Good stuff. I’ve got a dating video on my channel. Feel free to utilize it for any dating advice you might give.

  3. Arisutton says

    Thanks for this timely word!!!!

  4. ksgregg06 says

    Hey Ty! When are the next videos on the topic coming?! My mom and I would love to hear more!

  5. blackmocha07 says

    omg DR. ty i thank you so much for being used by God to help us single men women of God and even for the unsaved, your ministry and obedience to the Father has truly helped me these last couple of days, we can sometimes get ourselves into these unevenly yoked relationships and miss whom God really has for us by learning with you i can go on, and thank you and continue to let God speak to u because u dont know how much of a blessing you have been to me, God bless and more favor than ever!!!!!

  6. lolamarya says

    This is SO on point. I wish people would actually hear this and heed.

  7. ksgregg06 says

    this is it right here!

  8. hey i just redid my profile 🙂

  9. chantejoy says

    Lord have mercy that was good.

  10. Disciple3 says


  11. Tearytee24 says

    Great Message this info is very helpful

  12. karicke2 says

    Also, Dr. Ty, don’t forget that women do select husbands who have a past history as a convict, exhomos, and etc…How would they know if a man with a serious negative past has really changed?

  13. That is great advice.

  14. wonderful message 🙂

  15. livinmybestlife says

    Great advice Dr. Ty. Thanks! You are such a well seasoned single lady with great representation as to how this thing is to be done in the eyes of God. Very much appreciated

  16. cfinecoco says

    I’m going to find you a husband. You have been singal too long.lol

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